mardi 26 avril 2016

[Guide][Difficulty: Intermediate] Dynamic pop-up menu for any number of items

What is this
This is a menu in which the height is dynamically adjusted to fit the number of items. It is also semi-transparent. For the full effect, see the sample screenshots below.
If there are too many items in your menu to fit on the screen, then you can scroll through the menu.
In portrait view it shows only one column. In landscape view, it shows only one column if it can fit all the items in one column, otherwise it divides all the items equally between two columns, so you can end up with two columns that can each be scrolled through.
Portrait view

Landscape view, if items can fit in a single column

Landscape view, if items cannot fit in a single column

How to use this
Import the attached profile into Tasker.
To use this, run the attached task and send a list of your keywords separated by three commas ,,, as parameter 1, and set any custom variable as the return variable. In my task in the screenshots, I use %selected_item as the return variable in my sample screenshots. Having three commas as the separator allows you to make menu entries that contain a comma in them, such as the mobile network selection menu in one of my screenshots.
You can optionally send a single ignored keyword as parameter 2. If you tap on something that matches parameter 2, then the menu will not close and will only flash an alert message asking you to select something else. This is useful for making separators in the menu, like the ---------- in my screenshots below.
A 'Cancel' button is automatically added to the top of the list.
If you press the Back button, then "Back" (without quotes) is returned by the task. This is useful if you decide to nest a number of menus within each other. You can then use an if condition to check whether the returned variable matches "Back", and if it does, you can use a Goto to send the task to a higher level menu's starting point.

Screenshots to help you set this up
Full album - or see the screenshots individually below.

Example shot of parameters, return variable, and label. The next screenshot shows it coming back to this action if the user presses the Back button.

If-Else example, and nesting one menu inside another

More samples of what it looks like
Sample shot 1, %par2 being ignored as input

Sample shot 2

Sample shot 3

and finally, here's where I launch it from: Tasker drop down menu.

For bugs, etc, go ahead and whine in this thread.

Attached Files
File Type: xml Get_Tasker_Action.prj.xml - [Click for QR Code] (17.7 KB)

from xda-developers

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