mercredi 31 août 2016

[Q] Applications stopping at every time.

Good afternoon.

I have a problem with Mother Moto RAZR M: Every 8-10 minutes, an application stops. Almost never is the same application. Per example (the order of the last 5 applications):

Google Play Services
SimCity BuildIt

Need you to know what they stop even if I'm not using them (nor opened them).

Also, if it's of help, I always had the problem what, when entering to "Storage", just 7 seconds later it stops and closes ALL applications.

PD: I already flashed a new ROM. 3 times. Always the same problems.
PD2: I always flash the Stock Verizon ROM. My mother dislikes A LOT custom ROMS because she lost a Samsung Galaxy S because trying to put a Custom ROM, and I hard-bricked my RAZR M almost a year ago trying to use a Custom ROM (I still have that dead-corpse in my room)

Technical Details (sorry, I need to put them in Spanish... I don't know how does they appear on an English Settings)
Versión del sistema: 183.46.15.XT907.Verizon.en.US
Versión de Banda Base: SM_BP_101031.042.32.86P
Versión del kernel:
dbbuild@ca88lnxdroid25 #1
Tue Jul 29 06:07:11 PDT 2014
Número de compilación:
Fecha de compilación:
Tue Jul 29 05:55:21 PDT 2014

The ROM what I always flash With RSDLite 6.1.4 is VZW_XT907_4.4.2-KDA20.62-15.1_CFC_1FF.xml

from xda-developers

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